Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just one of those days..

Seriously, today was one of those days

I literally left my house once and that was to get Tim some food so that he would feel better.


I feel like today was one of the loneliest days of my life.


I was able to produce two pages in my scrap book.

I realize that I have not written on here in a while, so I am going to give you all a little update.

Tim started Rugby again, so I've lost my husband..

I am having problems getting a hold of  the school to get my classes so I'm probably not going to school this semester. 

the Good news is that I am immune to Measles. yay.

Today I didn't take him to work so I didn't actually have to get up or out of bed. 

so I laid in bed till 10. 

Packed up some bathroom things so that we don't have so much to do the last few days when the lease is up. 

After that I watched a ton of Psych. Pretty funny actually. 

Now I am here alone while Tim plays Rugby.. 

Top Purple is my birthday lunch with my mom and sister

Red is my Nieces Avery and Rowan and my Nephew Rylan